Lisa’s and Eva’s 10-day quarantine

How is it to be in quarantine after arriving in Nagyvázsony? The volunteers share their take on it now.

Lisa’s perspective of being in quarantine for 10 days

After spending many weeks back in Germany, it felt kind of unreal to finally come back to Nagyvázsony. Nevertheless, I was very glad to be back, walking the village’s streets again after such a while and to arrive at the volunteers’ house.

There, our Corsican volunteer Alexis, welcomed me very nicely and friendly and it felt like I’ve never been away.

Then, quarantine started and although I got lots of activities to do at home, it was a little boring to be alone in the house during the day. Luckily, 2 days later, Eva from Estonia (who arrived here in August like me) arrived as well and I was very excited and happy to see her after such a long period of time.

From that day on, it was a little less boring to be bound to the house for so many days. We got a lot to talk about, we went back to doing a fire and laundry every day and it was like before.

The first day, we spent all day in bed watching stupid YouTube videos and laughing our asses off, and also the other days have been quite interesting and fun (as much as it can be being in quarantine), playing “Among Us”, binge-watching a very bad but still anyhow captivating series for more than 7 hours and other things, too.

Our organization helped us a lot during these days by doing the groceries for us and helping us to get more wood into our basement etc. (Thank you Feri, Kira, and Dani!). We’re really appreciating their support.

Overall, the quarantine days contained a lot of boredom, but also entertainment. It’s feasible!

Eva’s perspective of being in quarantine for 10 days:

I decided to visit my family for Christmas and that meant that I need to stay in quarantine for 10 days, once I returned back to Nagyvázsony. The quarantine started off on the wrong foot, so to say. Once landed, I had to catch my bus from Budapest to Nagyvázsony but the passport check took longer than usual and I missed my last bus home. Missed my bus, I had to book an Airbnb for the night. The next day I took the first bus home.

The next day I arrived in Nagyvázsony, my home. Lisa and Alexis welcomed me with big hugs. We spent the entire day catching up with each other.

I’ve been in quarantine for 8 days now and I can tell you that it is not as hard as people make it seem (especially if you love watching movies). We started watching movies every day with Lisa. Just to make it more comfortable we moved the TV to our bedroom. One day we started watching a series and we didn’t move our butts for 7 hours straight. It was crazy. Besides watching movies, we also cook sometimes. OK, who am I kidding, making popcorn in a microwave is not “cooking”. (Thank you Dávid for the microwave btw!)

Living with Lisa is amazing up to the moment she sees a spider crawling on the wall. Unfortunately, I am also scared of spiders so we had to ask my mentor Ferenc’s help to get rid of some spiders. Thank you, Feri!

I think this experience really brought us together with Lisa. I think she hates my guts already. Anyhow, quarantine is actually not that bad! I wouldn’t recommend it but if it’s really needed, it’s survivable.